
Changing Favicon in the Blackburn Theme

Personalised logos The new Data Visualisation Society has created personalised logos, see the behind the scenes post by Amy Cesal. It is a visual representation of three key skill areas; data, visualisation and society. See below the key to the logo: There is also a timezone overlay in grey. My personalised logo This is my personalised logo: Purple I have a background in project management and I am involved in community group organisation represented by the purple triangle.

Who Would Have Thought The Slug Was The Bug

This post is of the the folder structure of a blogdown website, to get a basic understanding of how it works and to also remind myself next time I face a similar publishing issue! Publishing issue I have been updating my blogdown website with posts, and then I hit an issue. The about link would not update. I tried multiple amendments and multiple commits to no avail. I then re-created the whole website and reinstalled the theme.

Changing Theme with Blogdown

This blog was using the creative portfolio theme until the number of posts grew. The tiled effect became busy and the website required a different website format including an archive list. I have changed the theme to Blackburn following this post by Mike Treglia. So far so good….

Hello Blog

Welcome to my personal blog and portfolio of my data science journey. Until now I have been creating and publishing R code to github and HTML to RPubs. I also have a Wordpress professional website to reach out to both technical and non-technical audiences with summaries of projects. I realised I needed another more personalised medium to publish the detailed code and HTML from projects so I created this blog.

Creating A Website In Hugo Creative Portfolio Theme

There are a many tutorials and the great bookdown blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown with detailed steps on how to create a website using blogdown and Hugo. I used the fantastic tutorial by Tyler Clavelle to create this blog. This website uses the blogdown R package and static site generator Hugo. I chose to use the Hugo creative portfolio theme, with side bar and tiles layout. I use Windows and GitHub repo to deploy the website.