Should You Swim in the Ruepehu Crater Lake?


Mount Ruepehu is an active volcano on the North Island which is skied in winter and walked in summer.

This analysis looks at whether anyone should swim in the crater lake at the top of the mountain.


We can access volcano field time series temperature observation results data from GeoNet.

According to the GeoNet FITS API documentation, the following API endpoints are available:
-map: Simple maps of sites.
-method: Look up method information.
-observation: Look up observations.
-observation/stats: Get observation statistics.
-plot: Simple plots of observations.
-site: Look up site information.
-spark: Simple spark lines of recent observations.
-type: Look up observation type information.

In order to get the data from a URL endpoint we can use the httr package GET function using the query parameters in the function or we can add these URL parameters to the URL and create an API request string.

Let’s take a look at the temperatures for one sample site id from the observation endpoint.

# Create the base url
base_url <- ""
# Get the temperature data for Ruepehu site ids
ruepehu_ids <- c("RU001A","RU001B","RU001","RU002","RU003","RU004","RU010","RU020")
query <- "?typeID=t&siteID="
url_response <- httr::GET(paste0(base_url,query,ruepehu_ids[7])) 

# Check the status of the GET request 
## $category
## [1] "Success"
## $reason
## [1] "OK"
## $message
## [1] "Success: (200) OK"

For site id RU010, let’s take a look at the response.

# Take a look at the summary of the reponse 
## Response []
##   Date: 2019-09-28 03:31
##   Status: 200
##   Content-Type: text/csv;version=1
##   Size: 8.81 MB
## date-time, t (C), error (C)
## 2007-05-21T00:45:00.000Z,9.790000,0.000000
## 2007-05-21T01:00:00.000Z,9.810000,0.000000
## 2007-05-21T01:15:00.000Z,9.910000,0.000000
## 2007-05-21T01:30:00.000Z,9.980000,0.000000
## 2007-05-21T01:45:00.000Z,10.040000,0.000000
## 2007-05-21T02:00:00.000Z,10.090000,0.000000
## 2007-05-21T02:15:00.000Z,10.110000,0.000000
## 2007-05-21T02:30:00.000Z,9.970000,0.000000
## 2007-05-21T02:45:00.000Z,10.030000,0.000000
## ...

The GET request response includes the following information:
- Date : time and date for the GET request
- Status : Numerical code: 200 is a ‘successful request’, 404 is ‘file not found’, 403 is ‘permission denied’
- Content-Type : tells us the data file type from the API. In this case text/ csv since it is time series data
Size : the size of the data file

Now retrieve the content from the response.

# Take a look at the content of the GET request
temps <- content(url_response)
## No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   `date-time` = col_datetime(format = ""),
##   `t (C)` = col_double(),
##   `error (C)` = col_double()
## )
## Observations: 193,013
## Variables: 3
## $ `date-time` <dttm> 2007-05-21 00:45:00, 2007-05-21 01:00:00, 2007-05...
## $ `t (C)`     <dbl> 9.79, 9.81, 9.91, 9.98, 10.04, 10.09, 10.11, 9.97,...
## $ `error (C)` <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,...
# Clean the variable names
names(temps) <- c("date","degrees","error")
# Create a function to GET and clean the results for one site id
get_ruepehu <- function(id) {
  url_get <- httr::GET(paste0(base_url,query,id)) 
  # Do not include messages from httr::content function
  suppressMessages(content(url_get)) %>% 
  mutate(site_id=id ) %>% 
  select(-`error (C)`) %>% 
  rename(date=`date-time`, degrees = `t (C)`)
# Get the temperatures for each of the site ids using map_df and this get_ruepehu function
ruepehu_temps <- map_df(ruepehu_ids,get_ruepehu)

Exploratory Data Analysis

Let’s take a quick look at a line plot of this time series using the ggplot R package.

# Create a ggplot object with the date and degress 
ggplot(ruepehu_temps) +
      ggtitle("Mt Ruepehu Crater Lake Temperatures for All Site Monitors")+

Plot the crater reading temperatures with hot and cold colours for each site.

# Facet plot of the temperatures
ru <- 
  scale_colour_viridis_c(option="plasma")  +
  theme_light()  +

Data Visualisation

We can see RU001 has the most consistent time series so we will use this site_id for our final interactive plot. We will use the coord_polar function to get a circular type plot thinking of the lake shape, and using the plasma.

ru01 <- 
  ruepehu_temps %>% 
  filter(site_id=="RU001") %>% 
  theme_light() +
  scale_colour_viridis_c(option="plasma") +
  theme(axis.title.y=element_text(angle=0)) +
  guides(colour = guide_legend(title = 'Degrees (c)'))



We can see some temperatures exceed 40 degrees which are no longer comfortable for a dip. A better option may be to find a spa in town.


  • Acknowledgement to the New Zealand GeoNet project and its sponsors EQC, GNS Science and LINZ, for providing data and images used in this analysis.